OfficialWebsite: Like thefacebook pageto see updates about thegame: Google +Page: By installingthisapp you agree to the following privacypolicy:ĭisclaimer: This is a beta version. The ability to share contraptionsandbrowse other shared contraptions should come in the nextcoupleupdates. This is an indie game programmed entirelyby myself.I make frequent updates and appreciate feedback. Playing SuperContraption ona slower device might result in a reduced frame rate,or for thegame to close. Since this is a physics simulation game itshould beplayed on a relatively modern device. Save your contraptions and work on themlater.Play in multiple worlds with more worlds and items beingadded allthe time. Build ANYTHING,likesay a rocket ship with cupcake cannons, or a blimp fortress toflythrough the sky. Buildacrazy Rube Goldberg machine or a simple toy. Aside from experimentingandbeing creative, there is no main objective to the game.

See how your contraptionsoperateunder different conditions, like on the moon or deep underwater.Experiment with gravity, air resistance,magnetism and morewithmore concepts being added regularly. Build whatever contraption you can imagine!Seewhat machines you can think up. Super Contraption is a physics sandbox construction game allaboutbuilding machines.
Start your own war in the most real and accurate battle simulator!All warriors act and fight like real people and real soldiers! InReal Battle Simulator you can compete with AI in the campaing modewhere your win totally depends on the strategy you chose! Hiresoldiers and send your army on the battlefield to fight for gloryand fun! Or you can just have much more fun playing sandbox modewhere it is up to you to create strategies and build levels! InReal Battle Simulator there is almost no rules at all! Enter theworld of war and fight! We don't have classic RPG stats orwhatever! Just imagine that warriors and soldies fight on the realbattlefield where everyone can kill each other! But we have superhilarious and funny ragdoll physics that will surely make youlaugh! Moreover we have a few types of troops like swordsmen,soldiers with rifles, magicians and giant robot soldiers! If youare a fan of strategies and epic battle simulators than Real BattleSimulator is just perfect for you! Do not hesitate and get the gameright now! If you want to help the game then spread the word aboutit everywhere! Good luck and have a lot of fun!

Want to seewhat a battle of 100,000 units looks like? We don't recommend goingpast 10,000 for most machines but its your CPU, do what you want!On top of that, you can play as any one of the units in the game,getting up close and personal to help change the tides of a massivebattle!Play and rate UEBS Ultimate Epic Battle! That is why wedecided not to limit the amount of units in battle. Mess around with a massive variety of units.Everything from, Roman Centurions, Medieval soldiers, Knights,Orcs, Trolls, and yes, chickens! The main focus in this game isgiving the player no restrictions to what he can do. Want to see a company ofWW2 U.S soldiers fight 11,000 Medieval soldiers? There are simplyno limits to the carnage you can achieve in ultimate epic battlesimulator mode (uebs). Solet's make ultimate epic battle simulator. Want tosee 10,000 chickens fight an army of Romans? Sure, why not. Create massive battles with absolutely no limits. UEBS Ultimate Epic Battle - is a sandbox likeno other.