The overall feel is lighter and more airy than either the English or the previous Spanish edition, and I love the fact that poetry is rendered as poetry (seen in Pslams, Proverbs, the Song of Solomon, and scattered other places). All in all, this makes this edition much larger and heavier than the non-LDS Spanish edition that it replaced. In the end this is probably the largest factor that makes this edition about 25% longer than the English edition (I do know that Spanish tends to be somewhat longe than English - but its not 25% longer), despite the fact that the page size of my English edition is substantially smaller. I prefer more compact type, all else being equal. I’m sure that the designers had good reason for this, but for me it was a little annoying. It looks like it is perhaps 14 point, where my english edition is more like 10 point type. The first thing I noticed when I opened this bible for the first time was the size of the type. But I do have some thoughts about the design and footnotes of this edition. I’m not going to dive into any details about the quality of the translation, since I don’t feel qualified to do that (I’d hesitate to do it even in my mission language, Portuguese, despite the fact that I regularly translate in that language and speak it on a daily basis). So I thought I would pass on my impressions. “As members prayerfully learn and teach from the scriptures, their testimonies will grow and they will receive greater direction in their daily lives.”Īdditional information is available in Spanish and English at copy of the new LDS edition of the Bible in Spanish arrived yesterday, one of the 750,000 copies printed recently (according to a contact I have in the Church department that prints these materials). “We encourage members to obtain their own copies of this new edition of the Bible and to use it in regular personal and family study and in Church meetings and assignments,” a letter from the First Presidency reads. It is expected that the 2009 LDS edition of the Holy Bible in Spanish with its study aids will make the scriptures more accessible to Spanish-speaking members of the Church in the same way that the 1979 LDS edition of the King James Bible did for English-speaking members. The new edition will be titled “Santa Biblia: Reina-Valera 2009.” New chapter headings, footnotes, cross-references to all the standard works of the Church, maps, and other study aids included in the back pages of the publication will make the scriptures more helpful to Spanish-speaking Saints. The dignified language of the 1909 Reina-Valera Spanish Bible, comparable to that of the King James Bible, has been conservatively modernized by replacing some of the outdated grammatical constructions and vocabulary whose meaning and acceptability have shifted. The LDS edition of the Holy Bible in Spanish is based on the 1909 Reina-Valera edition of the Bible, an earlier version of what Spanish-speaking members have used until now.
#Spanish lds scriptures professional
They were aided by General Authorities, Area Seventies, professional linguists, and Church members. Under the direction of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, a team of translators prepared and reviewed the new edition.

The audio recordings of the Bible and the triple combination are available on CD through Church distribution centers or as MP3 files at.

The electronic text of this new edition, including the study helps, will be available at, allowing members with Internet access to perform keyword searches. A quadruple combination is not available at this time. The printed versions are available in paperback, hardcover, and bonded leather as well as in Braille and an oversized print format. More than 800,000 copies of the new edition of the Bible are being printed at the Church’s printing center in Salt Lake City and will be sent to Church distribution centers all over the world. The orientation will be broadcast via satellite between the morning and afternoon sessions on both Saturday and Sunday of the upcoming October general conference. The First Presidency has invited Spanish-speaking members of the Church to view a special 25-minute orientation about the new edition of the Bible. The LDS edition of the Holy Bible in Spanish will be available in September in print, electronic, and audio formats.