- #Rpg random weather calculator generator
- #Rpg random weather calculator trial
- #Rpg random weather calculator download
I found the Dodeca weather system, from which I learned a lot, but which is too complex for my tastes. But what if such a place doesn’t exist? what if you want to include magical weather? I really wanted to be able to simulate my own weather patterns. Many people suggested finding a real-world place with a climate similar to what you’re looking for. I can’t add in custom weather events, I can only sort of effect how windy or stormy a place is. There are some options for customization, but there are some things that I want to be able to change that just aren’t options. My only problem with it is that I can’t make it my own. The weather system I eventually developed draws a lot from it, especially for magical weather events. It’s a terrific weather generator, and if you want a day’s weather at the push of a button, it’s a wonderful tool.

#Rpg random weather calculator generator
I looked around online, and donjon’s random weather generator caught my eye. While the concept of having a weather table immediately appealed to me, the fact that there was no connection between the weather from one day to the next appeared to be a serious flaw to me, and the tedium of writing multiple d100 tables, many with only minor differences, to customize the weather to various locations didn’t appeal to me. I think the first weather tables I ran across were a handful of d100 random weather tables for a few different climates from the back of the Pathfinder GM book.
#Rpg random weather calculator download
You can download the weather tables and weather events key I use as either PDF’s or Libre Office documents here, but I’d like to spend some time explaining how I arrived at the system I use, and an explanation of how it works for those who don’t find it immediately obvious.
#Rpg random weather calculator trial
After much trial and error, I finally found a system that works for me. If you want to add in magical weather on top of that, things become overwhelmingly complicated. The weather on any given day feels relatively random, but at the same time some elements usually carry over from one day to the next, and weather can be drastically different depending on the climate of various locations and the season in a particular location, and is shaped by a crazy number of factors. I looked at many different weather tables and wasn’t quite satisfied with any of them. I figured one way magic might show up was in the weather. One of the things I wanted was to simulate an environment that was so saturated with magic that it bled into daily life in interesting ways. It would be a Pathfinder-based homebrew, since I like a lot about that system, but it would need tweaking to fit the setting I have in mind. Its Guardians, due to their familiarity with unusual and dangerous magics, would also be called upon to assist in magical difficulties across the realm.

In the campaign I’m putting together, Guardians of the Archives, The PC’s would start as new recruits to the Guardians of the Ancient Arcane Archives, the security force of an ancient stronghold of magical power that had a vast library, a massive collection of magical items, laboratories for magical research, and holding areas for dangerous magical items and creatures.

The system is extremely customizable, can simulate both mundane and magical weather, and should be fairly easy to adapt to any gaming system – especially d20 systems since I set it up for Pathfinder. I think the tool I am most proud of is my weather tables, and the four steps I use to determine a day’s weather. So far it hasn’t gotten off the ground, but I’ve put together some interesting tools and ideas other GM’s might be interested in, and I decided I would post some of them here. I’ve spent quite a bit of time off and on over the past few years toying with the idea of running a roleplaying game.