The ribbon is a series of tabs and buttons that appear across the top of the screen in Microsoft Word. Step 2 Click on the Review tab in the ribbon at the top of the screen. I must be missing something in setting up Powershell Runspace. Open the document you want to spell check in Microsoft Word. I have split it up line by line like above, I even Made it copy the command out to text so i can copy/paste it into powershell and it works. I have been all around google and i cannot find a solution, I have tried throwing it all into one string and adding it to the mands. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.' To turn off spellchecking in Lync, click the Options button, then click General and clear the Check spelling as I type check box. Lync won’t mark as misspelled any word that you’ve added to your Office custom dictionary. According to your description and needs, as far as i know, you could check the following tutorials: add spellchecking to any. It throws an error : 'The term 'Import-Module "C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Office 2013\LyncSDK\Assemblies\Desktop\"' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Lync 2013 Lync checks the spelling in your instant messages automatically. ("$null = $m.BeginSendMessage($msg, $null, $msg) ") ("$msg.Add($PlainText, \"Assistance needed with the Virtual Fitting Kiosk(GREEN)\") ") ("$null = $conv.AddParticipant($getuser) ") Way there is no spellcheck/autocorrect in Microsoft Lync What if you do want spell check Thanks to Tom Arbuthnots Lyncd Up Blog I found Autohotkey. ("$getuser = $cl.ContactManager.GetContactByUri($username) ") ("$conv = $cl.ConversationManager.AddConversation() ") ("Import-Module \"C:\\Program Files(x86)\\Microsoft Office 2013\\LyncSDK\\Assemblies\\Desktop\\\"") Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline() Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(runspaceConfiguration) However when i throw it into C# its failing saying it cannot find the Module.Ĭ# RunspaceConfiguration runspaceConfiguration = RunspaceConfiguration.Create() $null = $m.BeginSendMessage($msg, $null, $msg)Īnd it works flawlessly in Powershell. Select this object by clicking on the Select button and then on the OK button.

$msg.Add($PlainText, “Assistance needed”) Scroll down the list until you find Microsoft Word Object Library. for Technologies like Exchange, SharePoint, Lync (now Skype, business) and many others. $username = $cl.ContactManager.GetContactByUri($username) How many words does spell checker (MS Office) actually check. The registry key is located in HKEYCURRENTUSER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\1.0\Override\Office Set the value of OutlookSpellingOption to 4 to uncheck it. $conv = $cl.ConversationManager.AddConversation() Powershell $assemblyPath = “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 2013\LyncSDK\Assemblies\Desktop\” my Powershell script is pretty straight forward. I am trying to import a Lync module to automatically send a message to a user.